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To join Operation Friendship France the yearly fee is 75 € per family and 25 € per delegate. Add to that costs for the summer program which we target to reduce every year thanks to fundraising throughout the months leading up to the summer hosting or travel period. Operation Friendship believes so strongly in the power of intercultural exchange that we want it to be affordable to as many families as possible. Our program is unique in that the hosting chapter covers all costs for traveling delegates upon arrival. Thus, during a hosting year fundraising effort are aimed at covering activity expenses for the visiting delegates as well as the hosting delegates. During the travel year, however, fundraising is aimed covering our own delegates’ travel costs. The average cost of travel is 1200 € but is dependent on fluctuations in airfare. Once your child arrives to their host country, activity costs are covered. The cost for hosting is on average 1200 €. Fundraising is instrumental in offsetting these costs.

Yes! Families on both side of the Atlantic are very consciencious and mindfull for the well-being of your child. This program is designed as a meaningful exchange. Thanks to years of experience OF has perfected the art of receiving. since 1964

Operation Friendship France

10 rue Maurice Ténine

94260 Fresnes - France


Registered Association loi 1901 n°.

RNA W93005041 - Siret 838 945 673 00013 - APE 9499Z