

  1. OFF is open to students between the ages of 14 - 20 years. The program runs for a period of 2 years and may be renewed.
  2. The size of the delegate group between 7 - 10 students.
  3. When a Delegate enters the program, their family becomes part of the organisation as well.
  4. What differs our program from others is size: since it is small, bonds created are not only between Delegates but also the parents.
  5. Students who are interested should send a request (email is fine) which will be examined by the members of the Board and followed by a meeting.
  6. Parents of future delegates: if our program interests you but your child is too young - contact us so we can put you on the list!
  7. Operation Friendship France also offers subsidiary memberships; Active member, Associate member, Charitable member... If you are interested please contact us!

Yearly membership fee: 75 € per family. Subsidiary memberships are free.

Costs: Hosting year families cover the cost of activities of their child and the US delegate guest. Travel year families cover airfare and pocket money for their child.

Operation Friendship France

10 rue Maurice Ténine

94260 Fresnes - France


Registered Association loi 1901 n°.

RNA W93005041 - Siret 838 945 673 00013 - APE 9499Z