Exchange Program



 Our program takes place over a two-year period. Student members are referred to as “delegates”.

Typically the first year delegates will host an American guest. The second year, they travel to one of 4 participating cities in the United States where they will be accommodated in host families.

The program takes place between the mid-July and beginning of August depending on the scheduling due to the timing of the respective county’s/state’s summer holidays. The exchanges between countries (referred to as individual chapters) usually last for 19 days.

Fundraising is instrumental in offsetting these costs for hosting and travelling. Thoughout the school year the sudents participate in events to raise money (garage sales, car wash, baked good sales, VINTED, window cleaning etc…)

Taking Part in Operation Friendship…

  • Free Time Activities
  • Visiting Key Sights
  • Making New Friends
  • Getting to know their host families

How the program works.

During the hosting year, delegates meet on a regular bases to get to know each other but also participate in acivities to help raise money. Parents also meet frequently to put together a schedule of activities and budet for the summer program.

In the summer, families opens their home to host a delegate from Operation Friendship America. A great deal of care goes into matching delegates with teens who have similar interests and are close in age. The 19 day program is concocted by the delegates and families. The schedule is intense, exciting and incredibly entertaining!Activities include : Paris sightseeing, camping, water activites, historical retreats, sports, movie nights and much more.

Throughout the school year Delegates meet on a regular bases to continue fundraising but also for social activities and keeping in touch.

In the summer, usually the second half of July - the french delegates travel together to one of the hosting towns in the US (in Massachussettes or Indiana) accompanied by an adult "Travel Advisor". Over the two week period they will live with their american family but also other delegates from other European countries that are part of the program as well.

Operation Friendship France

10 rue Maurice Ténine

94260 Fresnes - France


Registered Association loi 1901 n°.

RNA W93005041 - Siret 838 945 673 00013 - APE 9499Z